The FDNY Foundation reminds all New Yorkers to attend Change Your Clock, Change Your Battery events during the week of March 7th – March 12th
March 7, 2022
FDNY Foundation Congratulates 153 FDNY EMTs and Paramedics on their Graduation and the Promotion of 55 EMS Officers
March 15, 2022On Tuesday, March 8th, Acting FDNY Commissioner Laura Kavanagh presided over a graduation ceremony for 291 Probationary Firefighters.
The FDNY Foundation congratulates all 291 graduates and we wish them the best of luck as they begin their careers in the FDNY. We thank them for choosing a career of service and commitment to protecting the people and City of New York and proudly representing the FDNY.
“You have already proven you have strength and character, in doing all that was required to get you here today. But don’t stop now. Be the clay that your company commanders and seasoned veterans seek to mold. Be the one to demonstrate what it means to live a life of service. Be the firefighters that 8.8 million New Yorkers count on and look up to. Be what the FDNY represents to the world, Professionalism, Service and Bravery,” said Acting FDNY Commissioner Kavanagh.
“Those who came before us would be proud of us for upholding so many of the traditions and values they set forth years ago…including fallen firefighter Timothy McSweeney – one of the 343 members who died on 9/11. Tim was from Ladder 3 on East 13th Street and I worked in Ladder 11 on East 2nd Street. We often ran in together on fires and emergencies and attended many of the same firehouse activities such as softball games. Your Dad was known as a great firefighter among the lower east side companies. He was big and strong and skilled. He was a genuinely nice man who was a pleasure to work with. Tim came from a family of firefighters, as his father, Dennis, was a Battalion Chief. Today, Tim’s son, also named Dennis, graduates, continuing the legacy of honor and bravery passed onto him by his father and his grandfather. Tim McSweeney responded to the World Trade Center, and his officer in Ladder 3 that day was Captain Paddy Brown, who died with him. Today, Paddy Brown’s nephew, Brian Kolb, is also graduating. Dennis, Brian, I’m sure you don’t need much introduction – but welcome to the FDNY,” said FDNY Acting Chief of Department John Hodgens.
“Today, on International Women’s Day, having the honor to be the first female fire commissioner in the 157-year history of the FDNY, I just want to say to you 13: today you’ve accomplished more than completing a tough curriculum. You have become role models and heroes for generations of women, and anyone who ever thought they could not have a seat at the table,“ said Acting FDNY Commissioner Kavanagh.
To view the full ceremony, please visit: facebook.com/FDNY
To view more photos from the ceremony, please visit: bit.ly/PFF-Graduation