FDNY Foundation Joins the FDNY in Mourning the Passing of Former Firefighter Derek Floyd
April 17, 2024
FDNY Foundation Hosts 2nd Annual FDNY Foundation Climb To SUMMIT
April 25, 2024It is with deep sadness that the FDNY Foundation joins the FDNY in mourning the death of active Firefighter Anthony M. Caliendo of Ladder 158, which occurred on Monday April 15, 2024. Firefighter Caliendo served our great department for five years. He also served our great nation as a member of the United States Marine Corp. He is survived by his daughter Eliana, his mother Anita, his father Anthony, his sisters Kristen and Lauren, and his girlfriend Daniela.
In lieu of flowers, The FDNY Foundation has set up a scholarship fund for Firefighter Anthony M. Caliendo’s Children. 100% of donations to the Fund will support his family.
Online donations: https://www.fdnyfoundation.org/donate/
Follow prompts and scroll down to select the Fund: “Firefighter Anthony M. Caliendo Children’s scholarship Fund.”
By Check: Please make checks payable to the FDNY Foundation. In memo, add: “Firefighter Anthony M. Caliendo Children’s scholarship Fund.”
Mail to:
FDNY Foundation
9 Metrotech Center Rm 5E-9
Brooklyn, NY 11201