FDNY Foundation receives grant from the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF) to provide protective equipment for first responders
July 16, 2020
27 Names Added to Memorial Wall for Deaths Related to World Trade Center Illnesses
September 9, 2020On Monday August 10, 2020 the FDNY held a plaque dedication ceremony for Lt. Brian J. Sullivan who made the Supreme Sacrifice on August 10, 2019.
A year ago, thousands of us gathered to say goodbye to a veteran leader when Lt. Brian Sullivan lost his life. Sadly, we cannot safely gather in that manner now, but we come together in a smaller group, joined by Brian’s family and friends to honor his memory once more. A year ago, Brian had just finished a 24 here at Squad 41, where day after day, he responded to fires and all manners of dangerous and hazardous conditions, protecting this community, and so many more communities throughout the Bronx. Brian came here as a Lieutenant to help lead this company, and when the alarm sounded, he went out that door to help others. Each time, he brought with him 27 years of experience saving lives, and he brought a drive and a commitment to always do the right thing, and always put the lives of others before his own. He led this company, and he was revered for that leadership, and for the way he conducted himself,” said FDNY Commissioner Daniel A. Nigro.
FDNY members joined the family of Lt. Sullivan for the socially-distanced ceremony in the quarters of Squad 41 where Lt. Sullivan’s plaque is displayed. One of Lt. Sullivan’s two daughters, Samantha, said, “My whole life, I was always so proud to be my father’s daughter. He was extremely heroic and did whatever he could to perform his job as close to perfect as possible.”
The FDNY Foundation continues to send our thoughts to the entire Sullivan family. We will never forget Lt. Sullivan’s service and sacrifice to the people and City of New York.
To make a donation to the Lt. Brian Sullivan Children’s Education Fund, visit: https://www.fdnyfoundation.org/donate/ and under “Fund,” select “Lt. Brian Sullivan Children’s Education Fund.”
To view more photos from today’s plaque dedication, please click here