Happy Holidays from the FDNY Foundation!
December 23, 2022
Happy New Year from the FDNY Foundation!
December 31, 2022The FDNY Foundation Joins the FDNY in Supporting the Family of Firefighter William P. Moon II
The FDNY Foundation joins the FDNY in supporting the family of Firefighter William P. Moon. On Monday, December 12, while preparing for a drill inside his firehouse – Rescue Company 2 in Brooklyn, Firefighter Moon fell and suffered a serious head injury. He was immediately treated for his injuries by his fellow firefighters and was rushed by FDNY EMS to the hospital in critical condition. Firefighter Moon was a 21-year veteran of the FDNY.
The FDNY Foundation sends our heartfelt sympathies to the family, friends, and colleagues of FF Moon. We thank him for his 21 years of service, dedication and sacrifice to the FDNY and the people and City of New York. FF Moon will never be forgotten.
The FDNY Foundation has a scholarship fund for FF Moon’s children Colin and Brianne. To make a donation, please visit: https://www.fdnyfoundation.org/donate and select “FF William P. Moon Children’s Scholarship Fund” from the drop down. 100% of donations go to the Moon Children Scholarship Fund.
The FDNY Foundation has contributed $25,000 to the scholarship fund for FF Moon’s children.
Firefighter Moon was appointed to the FDNY on May 5, 2002. He began his career in Ladder Company 133 in Queens, where he worked for 20 years before being detailed to Rescue Company 2 earlier this year. In addition to serving the FDNY, Firefighter Moon also served as a member of the Islip Volunteer Fire Department on Long Island, including serving as their Chief of Department in 2017.
Firefighter Moon has a wife, Kristina, and two children.