The FDNY Foundation reminds all New Yorkers to attend Change Your Clock, Change Your Battery events
February 27, 2020
Stay Informed on COVID-19 Novel Coronavirus
March 12, 2020FDNY Foundation Board Member Mr. Peter Arnell and FIREFLY have created and placed the CLOSE THE DOOR FDNY fire safety campaign on taxi tops throughout New York City to help promote fire safety education. The FDNY Foundation joins the FDNY and Fire Commissioner Daniel A. Nigro in urging all New Yorkers to close the door when escaping a fire. Closing the door isolates fire and prevents smoke, heat and flames from spreading to common areas of a multiple dwelling (hallways and stairs). In a private home, closing a door to the fire area can prevent rapid spread of fire throughout the structure. The FDNY Foundation urges everybody to ALWAYS CLOSE the DOOR. Closing the door behind you will help save lives. To learn more fire safety education tips, please visit: fdnysmart.org